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Help Support Childhood Literacy in Savannah's Youth

Historic inequities in Savannah and the US as a whole have left many children behind. Nowhere is this inequity more evident than when looking at childhood literacy rates in Savannah's underserved communities. Studies have shown that literacy is the bridge between a child and so many of their future opportunities – this is why we're here working to rewrite that narrative by helping promote and develop literacy programs right here in Savannah. But we can't do it without your help. 

By donating, you're supporting all of the work that we do and every child in our network. Your money goes towards providing access to books, towards training our literacy tutors, and towards supporting the children & families that are most in need in our community. Be a part of our movement and make an investment in the future of Savannah's youth by making a donation below. Thank you for all of your support!

Make a Donation

Help support literacy program development & access to books for Savannah's underserved youth.

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